Good day!
All of us, handmade cases artists are cutting threads, fabrics ... One of the qualities of this hendmeydera - find a way it's somewhere to attach. In fact, do not throw the same ... And that does not accumulate in the house-bags bags, frightening members of the household, and do not clutter the apartment, where, and so all the jars, bottles culled, egg trays, I want to offer a way as to create ugliness of beauty!
The idea and execution belongs to Lynn Roberts of England, the mother of 4 children, and in fact finds the same time, eh?
So here are two pictures will be the master-class waste management industry, handicrafts, at the output we have a flower and a globe.

Option 1. Tattered ball / this is not me, it's Google so moved /
Here's our cut-pieces, among them, and we will make the beauty! As you know, you need to trim the tissue structure in advance to make yarns ...
Procurement of paper, they make 2 pieces, combine
And wrap our scraps zagotovochki:
When the hole is reduced, it is possible to use the yarn threading hook.
Long thread or rope bandage tightly inside (!)
Raspushivaem! And our tattered ball is ready!
Use the decor, decoration of clothing, you can also decorate, paint, powder - in a word, walking, fantasy!
Option 2. Raggy flower / translator same /
Here we need some kind of stick-tube around it and we will wrap. The author has got a successful design - with a slot, then cut to be comfortable. The larger the diameter of the tube, the longer will be the petals of the flower of our future.
Cheat our trim, cut along the length of:
This is the foundation of the future of the flower:
At this point, fits and normal hook for knitting:
Rear view:
OR ...
You can even thread-trimming our easy to sew:
The direction of sewing - from center to periphery