Halloween craft: Cute Little Ghost Family


Halloween craft: Cute Little Ghost Family

I've never been one that's been overly excited about the scary side of Halloween, so all of my Halloween decorations are not too spooky.
Here are some ghosts that I just finished making, and thought I'd share with you.This is one of those projects that I started last year, and just finished. :) {Am I the only one who does things like that? :)} Last year, I picked up these cute ghosts from The Wood Connection, and I spray painted them white. That's as far as they got. Since I've been working on getting all of my Halloween decor out, I decided I'd hurry and finish them.

I added some ribbon to each of them. This one is my favorite.
Then I cut and punched out circles, inked the edges, used some jewels and buttons to make the eyes.

And I like my little ghost family.

Source: http://thehappyscraps.blogspot.com/2011/10/cute-little-ghost-family.html