Stork in the art of origami - ideas for decorating the walls

Stork in the art of origami - ideas for decorating the walls

Аист в технике оригами – идеи для декорирования стен

Here is an example of excellent use origami to decorate the walls of the interior, original and beautiful idea. The dry branch of a tree or bush decorated with storks in the art of origami, which are the colors of the rainbow.One of the most famous in the world of origami - a stork, which symbolizes good luck, happiness and health. According to legend, if you make thousands of storks, then our plans will come true. To make a bird of happiness, take a square sheet of paper of any size, and follow the step by step instructions and video.
For the manufacture of a stork in the art of origami paper to prepare the seven colors of the rainbow. Suitable color xerox paper or special paper for origami. If there are no colored paper, can be painted white xerox paper, acrylic paint on both sides. Paper storks can be lacquered.
                 Аист в технике оригами – идеи для декорирования стен
Step by step guide on making the stork in the art of origami.
Аист в технике оригами – идеи для декорирования стен 
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