Lucky Charm Bracelet
Jewelry making

Did you know that Sublime Stitching patterns lend themselves oh so well to all kinds of Shrinky Dink fun? It's true. Necklaces, keychains, zipper pulls, you know - anything you can make with Shrinky Dinks - are twice as nice when made with Sublime Stitching patterns! Like...uhm...I know! Howsabout a charm bracelet? St. Patrick's Day is coming after all, so this'll be perfect. Plus, this is a fantastic project to do with kids (just be sure to supervise around the hot oven)!
Who: You!
What: Sublime Stitching Lucky Charm Bracelet
When: Right now! Who doesn't need a little luck? It'll take an hour tops.
Difficulty Level: Beginner

You'll need:
* "Lucky Charms Sheet" Template (download below)
or, these Sublime Stitching Patterns you may already have:
Country Cool, Unicorn Believer, Darling Daschund, Viva Las Vegas,
Pirates Ahoy, Sublime Stitching Book and the Craft Pad
or, these Sublime Stitching Patterns you may already have:
Country Cool, Unicorn Believer, Darling Daschund, Viva Las Vegas,
Pirates Ahoy, Sublime Stitching Book and the Craft Pad
* Shrinky Dinks - One 8 1/2" x 11" sheet
* Permanent markers, or colored pencils in vibrant colors
*Embroidery Scissors
*Hole Punch
* Bracelet with fairly large chain links
*7- 9mm Round Open Jump Rings
(found in the jewelry suppy section at most
craft stores for about $1.50)
(found in the jewelry suppy section at most
craft stores for about $1.50)
* Parchment Paper or Brown Paper Bag
*Toaster Oven (recommended) or Oven
*Cookie Sheet or Toaster Oven Tray
* Heavy Book (optional)
x - x - x - x - x - x
x - x - x - x - x - x

1. Place the Shrinky Dink sheet over the patterns, and color in the image.
Yes - before you trace it. Otherwise, the black marker that you'll use to outline the image will bleed into your pretty colors.
Yes - before you trace it. Otherwise, the black marker that you'll use to outline the image will bleed into your pretty colors.

2. Trace the lines of the pattern.

3. Punch a hole near the top of the image.
Remember: The hole will shrink too! And make sure you've punched the hole all the way through.
Remember: The hole will shrink too! And make sure you've punched the hole all the way through.

4. Cut out the shapes. Cut circles as smooth as possible (*cough* not like in the photo).
You can also make the edges fancy with pinking shears or scalloped edge scissors, etc.
You can also make the edges fancy with pinking shears or scalloped edge scissors, etc.

5. Pre-heat your oven to 325ºF (163º C). Cut 2 pieces of parchment paper to fit your toaster oven tray. Place one sheet of parchment paper on tray or cookie sheet and place charm pieces, colored side up onto the paper. Place into oven and watch as your charms shrink to cuteness! It took these about 60 seconds. The pieces will curl up and then lay flat. Once they lay flat, allow an extra 30 seconds of baking time to complete the process.

6. Remove from oven and quickly (within 15 seconds!) place your other sheet of parchment paper over the charms and press flat with a heavy book. Like War and Peace.

7. Awwww - Look how cute and teensy they get!
(And see what I mean about cutting the circles as smoothly as possible? Sigh.)
(And see what I mean about cutting the circles as smoothly as possible? Sigh.)

8. Arrange the charms how you'd like them. We made 7 charms (just seemed luckiest).
Attach charms to bracelet using the jump rings.
Attach charms to bracelet using the jump rings.

9.That's it! You now have one very lucky wrist.