New and improved

My face is blushing like a peach. Thanks for your lovely comments on the cashmere neck thingie (gotta find a better name for it!)

So I bring you vacation loot, part two, but with a bigger, better photo format. First I need to say that I'm woefully inept when it comes to computer-techie stuff. It took me all this time to figure out that I can control the size of my photos through Flickr (I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the Everest that is Ravelry, and I've only recently started using Bloglines, so you'll have to be patient with me). Actually, I didn't figure it out on my own. I got excellent advice from the some of the best bloggers around. Thanks guys for bringing me out of the dark ages.

I might slowly try and replace my old photos with bigger versions, so I apologize in advance if I make your bloglines pop for a while.

****Edit: Actually, please bear with me while I fudge around with my template. I realized that my old one wasn't wide enough for larger photos, and I'm having a bit of a hard time adjusting colours/fonts in my new template. So hopefully I'll have this all sorted soon...****

I'm ignoring the crazy heat and plugging away on Cobblestone, by everyone's not-so-secret crush, the aforementioned Brooklyntweed. Jared, can you feel the love?

And like Heather, I actually convinced myself that I was a good wife for buying yarn for my husband. I did it under purely altruistic motives. Plus, the Rowan Scottish Tweed was 40% off at Purl, so I was saving money right? RIGHT???

Speaking of Purl, I realize I might be a little obsessed. Check out how I accidentally spelled "mother-of-pearl" in my last post.